Dear Jitbit,
I would like to share with you some suggestion regarding sub-ticket
When a sub-ticket was delegated multiple times (3 shifts), the technician may not be aware that the ticket is part of a main ticket. Would it be possible to have some sort of identifiers on sub-tickets (prefix or postfix on ticket number), or any indicator to the ticket that identifies it as a sub-ticket and has reference to its mother ticket.
This will come handy in the future when you are backtracking or assigning a ticket. Any technician can easily recognize that ticket has parent ticket and has other task/ticket associated with it.
- Has indicator that the ticket is a subticket
- subticket has reference to its main ticket
- identifies ticket if it has prerequisites to other subticket within its mother ticket.
- Main ticket has an option to automatically close once all ticket is completed, if not allows it in automation rule.
- Options for a subticket to separate or revert back to main ticket .
Appreciate thanks.