New Suggested 5/12/2020 by Renault DEMANGER



Default grid view\Mask all tickets already regrouped in parent case as subtickets

By default, subtickets are displayed 2 times.
One time in the grid and one time by clicking on the "+" button next to the parent ticket.

After click on the "+" button next to the parent ticket, the duplicate disappear and the subtickets still only viewable via click on the "+" button 

From my point of view, it should be better to have the default view directly with the subtickets regrouped (for avoid to see too much informations on screen)

Michael Milnes
I submitted a ticket regarding this issue (as we use the parent/child ticket for global outages)
To add to this, it would be great if you could add a single update to the parent or close the parent and it would update the child or close the child tickets.
5/12/2020 9:43 AM
Hector Bas
FYI, I use this line of code to expand my sub tickets by default onload in my custom script:


Additionally, @Michael if you try to close a ticket with linked tickets (sub-tickets included), it will prompt you if you want to "close all" linked tickets. But currently, no way to update (add reply?) to all linked tickets, unless you're in the main ticket grid are and you select the necessary tickets and perform the close action from there, but this is only practical for sub-ticket relations, not just normally linked tickets. To me, the "close all" part should be separated for normally linked tickets VS sub-ticket relations. Additionally, if you do choose to "close all", if there is a ticket that is already closed, the closing action will be repeated for that ticket, and therefore another system comment is added to that ticket, and I'd imagine the close date is updated too. It can be a little annoying at times.

I've submitted at least 4 tickets with a multitude of sub-ticket improvement requests, these being among them.
5/15/2020 10:07 AM
Relevant Data Solutions
Agreed, the sub-tickets start out at the same level as main tickets (no indication that they are sub tickets).
Then when you EXPAND the main ticket they become indented (great!).
But when you collapse the parent ticket all the sub-tickets hide (below the parent).
It's inconsistent behavior right now.

I would personally prefer subtickets always nested below Parent ticket.
7/7/2021 1:09 PM
Relevant Data Solutions
@HectorBas, thanks for the custom script. That works nicely to automatically expand parent tickets.
7/7/2021 1:33 PM

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