Implemented Suggested 6/10/2020 by Trevor Frazer



Secondary email address for users

Would be great if we could list a secondary email address for users. Emails coming in from the secondary address would be assigned to the correct user, but outgoing emails would be sent to the primary address.
Allows for users having issues with their work email (for example) to send in email from their personal account.

Hector Bas
Posted something similar previously:
6/16/2020 10:04 AM
We have a similar situation. Users are assigned a user id, but then mostly use a vanity email address (first.last). But depending on what email client they're using, they might send email from either.
6/25/2020 4:38 PM
Hector Bas
Thanks for implementing this!
9/28/2020 11:06 AM
This would definitely be useful to limit duplicate user accounts when users work with multiple email addresses.
9/20/2021 11:03 AM
Fraser Simon
A way to add/edit the secondary email via the api would also be a useful addition. We cant count on users setting up their own emails correctly so need a way to correct them.
1/20/2024 5:23 PM

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