I have some automation rules to assign tickets as my agents are all in the field and there are multiple agents in the same department. I am currently using the automation rules to assign the tickets to a main agent and a secondary so they can all see each ticket for their department. If a ticket gets assigned to the wrong category I allow the agents in that department to reassign it to the correct department. This causes a small issue however, it removes the main agent and assigns it to the correct one, however it leaves the original secondary agents. I would like to see a simple "remove all secondary agents" in the automation rules so I can clear them and then add back the correct secondary agents.
Small example. Ticket comes in assigned to Maintenance it is assigned to agent1 as main then agent2 and agent 3 as secondary. That ticket category gets changed from Maintenance to HVAC which assigns it to agent4 as main and agent5 as secondary. But agent2 and agent3 stay as secondary. I need to be able to remove agent2 and agent3 and only have agent4 and agent5 on that ticket.
Thank you dev team for this one. Will keep my agents on track and off the wrong tickets.