Implemented Suggested 9/30/2020 by Thayer York



Throttle outgoing SMTP connections

As an anti-spam measure many SMTP servers limit the number of concurrent connections they allow from a single incoming IP address.  Currently, if an SMTP server returns a temporarily unavailable error (4.3.2 "Too many open connections", for example), JitBit HelpDesk gives up on sending the email message.

Adding a configuration setting to Helpdesk to limit the number of concurrent outgoing connections would allow admins to configure their installation to work with their SMTP infrastructure and not lose email notifications.

Alternatively, responding to SMTP 4xx errors by retrying the connection (up to a certain number of times) would also help mitigate this.

Alex Tech
I believe you're using O365 (which is known for throwing 4.3.2 on more than 4 concurrent connections). We've implemented built-in throttling for Office365/Outlook servers from the helpdesk app.
5/7/2021 4:08 PM
Thayer York
Will this apply to non-Office365 SMTP servers that throw 4.3.2 on lower numbers of concurrent connections (for example, more than 2)?
5/10/2021 8:27 PM
Alex Tech
No, it's a special workaround for office 365. Which provider do you use? (we can continue this conversation in a ticket if you like)
5/11/2021 2:23 AM
Thayer York
My university runs its own sendmail SMTP server as a service they provide to individual units on campus. We have Office365 SMTP available as well, although it presents different, relay-based challenges with JitBit Helpdesk. I have a previous ticket on this topic (31645275) or we can start a new one.
5/11/2021 5:18 PM

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