New Suggested 5/31/2023 by Dej Han



Exclude administrators from ticket assignments list


We would need an option to exclude administrators from ticket assignments.
A person can have two accounts admin and technician type. Therefore same person is shown twice on the ticket assignment list of values.

It would be great, if we could disable ticket assignments to administrators.

Stefano Bagnatica 6/5/2023 12:08 PM
I know it's not elegant, but I solved with this custom CSS in administrator - settings page

select#selTechId option[value='3684'] { display: none; }

Where 3684 is the user id to hide.
Dej Han 6/6/2023 1:51 AM
Thanks. I made JS solution. Administrators have word ADMIN in name.

$(document).ready(function() {

const changeSelected = (e) => {
$("#selTechId option:contains(ADMIN)").remove();

document.querySelector('#selTechId').addEventListener('mouseover', changeSelected);


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