New Suggested 11/8/2023 by Nick Canale



Clear Status on ticket update

I use a few custom statuses (Pending Vendor, Monitoring, Pending User, etc.). I use them as a visual when looking at my Assigned To you section that the ticket is not waiting on me. I would LOVE if somehow these would clear when the ticket received an update. 

Alex Tech
You can se up an automation rule to change status when a reply is posted to a ticket
11/8/2023 11:16 AM
Nick Canale
Thank you. I will try this and report back.
11/8/2023 11:18 AM
Nick Canale
I am not seeing what to do for Step 3. Was hoping for a "Clear Ticket Status" action or something to that effect. I cannot set a status to an empty value as an action. I also painfully cannot post a screenshot in replies on the ideas forum -_-
11/8/2023 11:28 AM
Alex Tech
Ticket cannot have an "empty" status. But you can move it to the default status - "in progress" - so that it looks similar to other tickets
11/8/2023 11:40 AM
Nick Canale
Holy schnikes it works! Thank you!
11/8/2023 12:29 PM

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