Declined Suggested 9/25/2019 by Renault DEMANGER



Ability to set email specific template by company

Administration -> Users -> Company
-> E-mail template

Jared Call
workaround: use an automation rule to do a company-specific auto-reply

if ticket created
and any of the following
company is COMPANY_1
then add this reply to the ticket

Having this in an automation rule has the added benefit of adding the reply directly into the ticket, which doesn't happen with the other email templates.
3/19/2020 1:54 PM
Hector Bas
Also need this ability. Ideally even down to by user. Currently we do have it to be Category, but that hurts our whole usage intention of categories. We use categories to define the trouble area of a particular ticket, which doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the client who opened the ticket. For certain users/companies, we'd want the ability to apply specific email-templates. The order of importance would most likely need to be:

User Level > Company Level > Ticket Category Level > Default Email Templates Level

The suggested automation rule workaround won't work in our situation.
4/30/2020 10:14 AM
Alex Tech
I'm closing this in favor of if we ever going to add any further logic to templates, it's going to be through templating engines.
10/7/2020 5:00 AM

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