While working on a project I realized that I would need the ability to turn on and off rules based on certain circumstances. The majority of my interactions are designed around the API, and there is no way to enable or disable rules easily. I would imagine others that are using the API would find some use in being able to enable or disable various rules.
In my example, I'm building an application where some of the tickets will be categorized into the automation queue and other tickets will be categorized to the manual queue via Automation Rules in Jitbit. These rules will determine which queue a certain ticket belongs to under normal circumstances. However, if my application needs to be taken down for planned or unplanned maintenance, the tickets that accumulate must be processed manually ASAP. In that event, I have another rule that will automatically categorize
ALL tickets to the manual queue.
In the normal circumstances, the queueing rules will be enabled and the "manual mode" is disabled, and if/when the application is down, the application should have the capability to disable the queueing rules and enable "manual mode".
The only way around this was to update the RuleXml field AutomationRules for the rule and restart the application. This methodology concerns me because if the application is restarted while it is in the midst of doing work then that could cause other issues with the app quitting midstream.