New Suggested 10/5/2023 by Mike Dominik



Add "Time Spent" and any other missing fields to the "TICKETS" API method

I understand not wanting to return related objects (attachments, comments, etc.) when calling the "tickets" API method but it should at least include all direct fields. I'm specifically looking for "time spent" but it is only included in the "ticket" method. This will require a ton of additional API calls just to get one more field.
Christopher Eaton 10/25/2024 1:40 PM
In the `GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/Tickets` it would be very helpful to also get the ticket `TimeSpentInSeconds` property and value.

Currently it can only be retrieved per-ticket via the `/Ticket?id=xxx` api call. This makes getting counts/totals pretty heavy as you have to iterate and call for each ticket. If this was on `/Tickets` then you'd only need to make one call.

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