New Suggested 2/7/2025 by Christian Farley



Tag Remediation - Permissions, Visibility, Enforcement

Need a better way to restrict/limit tags from being created and added to make metrics more consistent & not require constant maintanence. 
  • Permission configuration: Tags should only be able to be created by admins/category-admins
  • Visibility configuration: Tags should be "assigned" to categories, like Technicians are, giving the ability to further reduce the amount of tags someone can see when working in a category 
  • Tag/Untagged boolean: Adding a sortable/filterable category to identify tickets with no tags
  • Enforcing tags: Prompting Technicians to add tag before manually closing an untagged ticket  

Expanding on two previously 'implemented' ideas
Expanding on
Jen Hinkel 2/10/2025 5:11 PM
Hi Christian - I like your idea! Tags have been revolutionary in how we manage our helpdesk & implement changes. The tag enforcement ask would be a great addition.

I see you noted "admins/category admins" in your ask - is "category admins" a dream of yours, or have you found a way to implement this? I'm currently looking for a way to prevent admins' access to ALL tickets automatically...

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