New Suggested 4/23/2023 by Eric Seelye



Use Substitution Masks (Variables) in Automation Rule Actions

I’ve looked through the automation rule ideas and didn’t find exactly the concept I’m requesting.  The following ideas touch on the concept but are not quite the same.  So I’ll open a new idea with reference to those that seem similar.

In short we’d like to be able to use at least some of the Email Template Tags (aka Substitution Masks) within the Automation Actions (DO THIS).  E.g. if we have an Automation Action that updates a custom field, we are presently limited to static text.  Instead we’d like to be able to inject dynamic values that mostly exist elsewhere in the application. E.g. #Originator# into that custom field.  And to be clear the resulting value stored in the custom field, should be static but generated using the value of the Substitution Mask at the time of the Automation rule execution.

At this time it does not seem like we can use the Email Template Substitution Tags anywhere except within email actions.  Yet there does seem to be some support for similar logic in some actions.  E.g. Set Ticket Subject... appears to allow the use of #cf_XXXX# to insert a custom field value.  Can you expand this logic to allow #Originator# and other options in similar actions such as Set Custom Field and Add/Remove Tag.

We would also request the addition of a new Substation Mask of #DateTime# that equal the present date/time.

Yes I know we can insert a reply into the ticket to capture this information.  However, in our use-case, we are trying to build a rudimentary workflow and need a way to present this information in a predicable location (the ticket sidebar).  Scrolling through pages of replies does not allow us to find these details and limits our other workflow automation rules.

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