When browser becomes unresponsive

Applies to Help Desk server with Windows authentication.

Sometimes you may notice your web browser becoming totally unresponsive when switching between areas of Jitbit HelpDesk, and staying that way for minutes at a time. You know it's not the computer and not the servers but have little or no clue where the problem roots.

The solution is plain and simple.

From the command line, while logged in as administrator, run:

setspn -S HTTP/hostname.example.org netbiosname

Where hostname.example.org is the domain name that appears in the browser and matches your SSL certificate (if any).
And netbiosname is the "short name" of the server running the IIS instance that is hosting the Help Desk application.

Here is a good article that sums up the issue:
Solving problems with on-premises version of Jitbit Helpdesk ticketing system