Power BI integration

Creation date: 2/18/2020 2:12 PM    Updated: 7/24/2023 11:21 AM    power bi
Power Bi integration allows you to easily get data from Jitbit to build custom reports and visualizations. This integration is currently in beta and we are looking forward to hearing your thought on how we can improve it. 

The integration is currently implemented as a custom data connector and it returns 3000 most recent tickets from your helpdesk. 

Here is how to enable it:

1. Open Power BI and go to File - Options - Security. Set "Data extensions" to "Allow any...". Click OK and close Power BI.

2. Download our custom data connector and unzip it to "Documents\Power BI Desktop\Custom Connectors" 

IMPORTANT: Open Explorer and select "Documents" in the left sidebar. By selecting "Documents" in the left sidebar you are making sure that this is the folder you need, because in Windows 10\11 your default documents folder can be in OneDrive or somewhere else.

3. Launch Power Bi, click "Get data" and search for "Jitbit". Click "Connect".

3. Enter your full helpdesk URL, including the "/helpdesk" part. 

4. Enter your username and password on the next screen.

5. That's it! Click "Load" and start building reports.

Jitbit Helpdesk ticketing system is our flagship product. Its a great helpdesk software app offered both as a hosted and "on-premise" versions.