Message added to existing ticket instead of creating a new one

Creation date: 4/29/2020 11:33 AM    Updated: 4/1/2023 11:23 AM

Our user sent an email to our support address, and the message has created a new ticket. One minute later, the user forwarded the same email again, but instead of creating a new ticket, the email has been merged as an update to the existing ticket.

The email subject did not have the "{ticket-ID}" text in the subject line. Why did that happen?


When Helpdesk receives an email, it checks the Subject line for the ticket number in the curly braces. If the number is there, the message is appended to the existing ticket.

It becomes trickier when there is no ticket number in the Subject – should the application just create a new ticket? What if it's a reply to an existing one – should it create a duplicate?

To resolve this, we have made the application check the email message's SMTP headers, such as "Message-ID", "References", and "In reply to". If one of the headers has a message-id value that already belongs to an existing ticket, the message is appended to that ticket. This way if someone replies to the ticket-originating message outside the app (but the monitored mailbox is still in the "CC") the message is appended to an existing ticket for convenience.

If the number is unique (i.e. the message is brand new), it creates a new ticket.

What if I want to prevent this?

Do not use "reply" or "forward" in your email software when composing emails. If you'd like the app to create a brand new ticket - simply compose a new email from scratch.

Also, you might want to set "days to allow reopen" setting under "Admin - General settings"
Jitbit Helpdesk ticketing system - setting up email integration and solving common problems