Widget for your website

Creation date: 7/25/2016 3:29 PM    Updated: 3/17/2022 1:28 PM
Jitbit Helpdesk comes with two widgets you can add to your web site. Widgets are a great way of making it easier for your visitors to contact you from any page on your site.

You can find both widget by going to the admin panel – Support Widget. We have two options for you in there:

Lightweight widget

This widget is a popup that is located at the bottom of the browser window. If you click on the tab that says "Contact us", the widget will slide up. You have a number of options you can customize: the tab text (that says "Contact us" by default), widget position and colors to better match your web site.

<script type='text/javascript'>

    //All settings are OPTIONAL. Remove them to use the defaults
    var hdWidget = {
        position: "right", //You can use "right" or "left" to position the widget
        bgColor: "#4c5b6b", //background color
        fgColor: "#ffffff", //text color
        borderColor: "#fff", //color of the border around the widget
        categoryId: 42, //pre-selected category in the widget. Get the ID from the admin panel
        hideCategory: 0, //set to "1" to hide category select box, works only if you also pass a default category
        autoShow: 0, //auto show the widget after X seconds. "0" to disable auto showing
        email: "", //prefilled user email if you already know it in your app
    //you can also open or close the widget programmatically
    //by calling _hdWidget.toggleWidget() anywhere in your code

<script type='text/javascript' src='https://[youraccount].jitbit.com/helpdesk/js/support-widget-light.js' defer></script>

The only downside to the lightweight widget is that it doesn't support custom fields. So if you use them please consider the second widget.

Support form link

This widget can be bound to any link on your web site. When a visitor clicks on that link a fully featured new ticket form shows up in a popup. Essentially this is just the Jitbit new ticket form in a pop-up window.


Both widgets require you to add some HTML and JS code to your website. You can find the specific code in the admin panel.

The Javascript code we provide is harmless for your site. It won't crash the rest of your code because it is isolated, and it won't affect your performance and load times because it loads asynchronously.

Jitbit Helpdesk ticketing system is our flagship product. Its a great helpdesk software app offered both as a hosted and "on-premise" versions.