Emails can be rejected by the Jitbit email server for various reasons, including:
Note: The rejection is based on a scoring system, where multiple factors contribute to the overall score. If the score exceeds a certain threshold (e.g., 13 points), the email is rejected.
You can send us the original email as a .eml file and we will try to identify the specifics. Possible reasons for rejection are:
Each of them contribute a certain number of points. For example, an email with a score of 19.32 points would be considered "very very bad" and thus rejected.
If emails from a particular domain are consistently rejected, it may indicate poor server configuration, and a thorough review of the email server settings is recommended.
Redirection of emails to Jitbit is not typically a cause for rejection. However, it is important to ensure that any redirection does not conflict with SPF, DKIM, or DMARC policies.
For more detailed information on specific rejection categories, such as "RDNS_NONE", which indicates an inability to resolve reverse DNS for the sender's IP, it is recommended to consult with technical support.
If you encounter persistent issues or need further assistance, please contact our support team for help.